Space Juice: Chapter 25 – A desperate cry for help
Dan WildPrevious Chapter.. Nexus and Plexus vigilantly observed the Zorgon protest. Red alert lights flashed and rotated on their heads, as the labradroids paced back and forth inside the perimeter surrounding the cylindrical lab tower. Pale faces peered out from polycarbonate glass windows on the middle floors. Unmistakable among the scientists, the grisly visage of Rothball …
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Rocket Science: Chapter 24 – Supersonic
Dan WildPrevious chapter.. Zorgeous nursed a virgin cocktail between his claws, a Sagittarian Snap. He stirred the ice cubes with his left antler and they bounced gingerly on the surface of the syrupy mixture. He didn’t expect to see too many people at the Quasar Bar on a Monday and that’s why Marley had sent him. …
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Rocket Science: Tales from the Orion Arm
Dan WildChapter 1 – The Omniverse The Multiverse was in a particularly bad mood when it first noticed Chuck Marley. It had just snacked on Y77, a small test universe on the fringes of imagination. Y77 was a failed universe and the Multiverse decided to eat it and start again. However, the ingestion of Y77 left …