Rocket Science: Chapter 15 – Illegal mods
Dan WildPrevious Chapter… Luhman 16A, the brown dwarf around which revolved Crete, reposed in the sky like a rusty coin on the black interstellar bitumen. Moszkowski tapped Marley on the shoulder and pointed through the viewscreen. Marley saw him pointing to the brightest star in the Cretan sky. “Alpha Centauri. Have you been there Professor?” “Twice. …
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Cosmogony 213: Proxima Centauri
Dan WildClosest star to the sun. Part of a triple star system. Several trading outposts orbit Proxima Centauri, drawing their power from large arrays collecting magnetic and solar energy from Alpha Centauri A and its twin. Proxima b, a tidally locked planet capable of sustaining life, orbits this red dwarf star. Residents live in perpetual twilight. …