Space Juice: Chapter 16 – High on clictus
Dan WildPrevious Chapter.. The sun set. Unfamiliar stars glimmered over the cloudless plains. The Old One ordered a communal meeting and the Ungarlootons formed a circle. Chuck Marley and Gaston Dimble squatted either side of Old One. They sipped clictus juice out of unwieldy clay vessels that were smoothly ovular, with a nipple-like projection at the …
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Rocket Science: Tales from the Orion Arm
Dan WildChapter 1 – The Omniverse The Multiverse was in a particularly bad mood when it first noticed Chuck Marley. It had just snacked on Y77, a small test universe on the fringes of imagination. Y77 was a failed universe and the Multiverse decided to eat it and start again. However, the ingestion of Y77 left …