Space Juice: Chapter 19 – Pilgrimage without a plan

Dan Wild

Previous Chapter.. The clictus was as important to the Zorgons as red dust. Apparently it became even more potent when its juice was mixed with red dust. When the Old One spoke of this concoction Marley’s heart raced. As if the trip on the clictus juice was not enough, imagine it combined with the drug …

Space Juice: Chapter 18 – An ignorant lesson

Dan Wild

Previous Chapter.. Three days of trudging through sand might only have been two with just Zorgeous, but a couple of Zorgon children accompanied them. Why the Old One allowed them along was anyone’s guess, but the Very Old Testaphant explicitly stated: “And youth shall guide them, through innocence redeemed no journey underfoot will sand forestall.” …

Space Juice: Chapter 17 – The Exile

Dan Wild

Previous Chapter.. Zorgeous was sand bathing behind the obelisk. He had been there for two hours. Chuck Marley couldn’t tell whether he was moaning in satisfaction or exhaustion. Overwhelming fatigue enveloped him. It wasn’t like a hangover. But he wished he could just curl up. He did this, lying behind the obelisk waiting for Zorgeous. …

Space Juice: Chapter 16 – High on clictus

Dan Wild

Previous Chapter.. The sun set. Unfamiliar stars glimmered over the cloudless plains. The Old One ordered a communal meeting and the Ungarlootons formed a circle. Chuck Marley and Gaston Dimble squatted either side of Old One. They sipped clictus juice out of unwieldy clay vessels that were smoothly ovular, with a nipple-like projection at the …

Space Juice: Chapter 15 – A warm bath

Dan Wild

Previous Chapter.. Chuck Marley summoned Jed and his cybernetic hovercab. Jed knew little of Ungarloot, except that it was a collection of hovels scattered loosely at the bottom of an arid slope beneath a mountain ridge. Jed made it clear he was not going to drop them in the town centre. Too isolated. Anything could …

Space Juice: Chapter 14 – Jellyfish of Europa

Dan Wild

Previous Chapter.. A steady breeze buffeted the red sand. A mild sandstorm gripped the continent. Red sand was totally useless, unlike its dusty namesake: red dust. The dust felt fine and powdery, red sand was coarse. The only relation it bore to red dust was colour. The sand existed everywhere, from plains and valleys to …

Space Juice: Chapter 13 – Blackout

Dan Wild

Previous Chapter.. The lights dimmed. Rothball Hazard quickly unzipped the bag. Marley perceived a faint, slightly furry body. Nono attached its limbs to the hooks and wrapped chains around its torso. Marley’s suspicions increased when three chains were fastened to twisty spikes jutting from the head. They could only be antlers. Zorgon antlers! “I know …

Space Juice: Chapter 12 – Test subject

Dan Wild

Previous Chapter.. The patting of feet did not last long. Rothball Hazard had reached his destination. Chuck Marley and Gaston Dimble advanced down the corridor to Frint Nono’s lab. Hazard waited around a corner, looking left and right. He nodded at their approach and poked an intercom. After looking up and down, Hazard brushed his …

Space Juice: Chapter 11 – Red dust overdose

Dan Wild

Previous Chapter.. If Chuck Marley wanted to know more, now was a good time to execute his plan. It had only been a skeleton thought, until he’d seen the salad. As Rothball Hazard voraciously tore at a piece of dodo flesh, Marley discreetly removed a vial of red dust. He was unsure about the correct …

Space Juice: Chapter 10 – Venus Flytrap of Venus

Dan Wild

Previous Chapter.. After what seemed like an hour’s hike up the spiralling corridor, Marley and Dimble arrived back at the exhibition hall. They could not see Rothball Hazard. But something was going on behind the giant statue. Figures whizzed back and forth from the statue to a door at the end of the hall. A …